Katie Noonan's Vanguard
I’ve been working with some of my old favs from back in The Captain days; Stu Hunter (bass, keys and backing vocals) and Declan Kelly (drums, percussion and backing vocals) as well as awesome newcomer Ben Edgar (guitarist from Angus & Julia Stone).
“The awe-inspiring Katie Noonan launched her latest music project Katie Noonan’s Vanguard this year and recently released the album Transmutant."
"The album’s cover uses a painting by Australian artist John Olsen titled Five Bells. It’s on display at the Art Gallery of NSW, so we were thrilled when Katie invited us down to the Gallery to shoot this very special performance in front of the original Olsen painting."
With PJ Koopman on guitar and Declan Kelly on percussion, Katie blissed us out with a breathtaking version of ‘Peace Is My Drug’. Be prepared for some tingles down your spine.” – Double J